Supervision at Tanya Gower Counselling and Therapy
In Southampton, Online, and via Telephone.
I offer supervision based on my relational philosophy, holding the supervisory alliance at the heart and soul of supervision. I am especially interested in supervising trainees, newly qualified counsellors and those developing their private practices. I recognise that the quality of our relationship and a concentration on personal and professional aspects determine whether supervision is successful for you.
My integrative counselling modality enables me to work with various counsellors from different training backgrounds. Similarly, I use an integrated supervisory modality influenced by Hawkins and Shohet's seven-eyed model. This ensures supervision remains holistic and explores many aspects of the work, acknowledging that many factors can be impactful. I aim to create an arena of trust and safety to explore the client's work together, supporting both you and your work, exploring where needed to develop the therapeutic relationship and working towards therapeutic goals in the client's best interest.
I am a qualified supervisor with a Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Clinical Supervision, including online and telephone work. I continue to work as a supervisor for a local college and charity placement providers, alongside seeing counsellors individually and in group settings.
Individual Supervision is £50.00 per hour and apportioned depending on the session length (1.5 hours costs £75.00).
Group supervision is available upon request and can be cost-effective depending on the number of members in the group.
Supervision for other helping professionals and education providers. £75 for 1.5 hours supervision.
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